Archon([[Gods]]) of [[Alluvien]]

Name: Erzulie / Ezili (another name I stole from a real god Once again she is not actually this god but also kinda) Alias: The World Prns: she/it Stuff: dendro/vita, sword +Stuff: she's the original life(“dendro”) archon , there has not been another archon in alluvien! Status: having fun!!!!!!!! balling!!!!! barging into other archons homes to have fun!!!!!!!!! and be silly!!!!!! fav food: sugarcane ! MBTI: ENFP


Erzulie has been here foreva !!!!!!!!!!!!! She is not a human, her heart is of an island as it's whole. (Yet it's said that she was reincarnated, and in her previous life she could not reach her other half, so she pierced her own heart in grief.?)

The World Arcana

Erzulie is the major arcana The World, and her element is referred to as Vita, Life, or vitality.

Vita cards are given to those who need assistance in change or growth; who are lacking the incentive to live life more fully / enjoy aspects of life before its over.

Reversed, Vita cards represent remaining stagnant or refusing to move on.

Erzulie believes in growth and change in all; even other lwa, and herself. While gods are considered/referred to as "immortal," they are not to her; they still grow and change as long as they are on the Earth, and when the Earth one day dies, they will with it.

Despite this, Erzulie has had more than one occurrences of her card being reversed, either due to her absence causing the state of the region to be heavily tilted towards being stagnant, or simply short but heavy mood shifts where she refuses to move past something.

Cursed Erzulie