A follower of [[Otòn]]

me thinks btw me thinks one of the main benefits eulaire gets for Otòn cult is that zonbi/zonbi ships do not attack him . maybe not Listen to him exactly except if/when eulaire like puts effort into doing so likeNormal evil magic practicers but i think zonbi just naturally dont attack eulaire or his cult boat?

eulaire isnt one to start a fight himself, but if someone comes to him picking a fight he Will be looking forward to it.

its said that if you go to him for help, you should be careful as he will likely request something equal value in return !

do u ever play in the ocean as a child and accidentally swim out too far and then end up drowning bc no one can see u so instead of fighting it u allow urself to sink to the bottom and u r about to pass out cuz water and no air but then u r moved 2 shore by a god presumed dead nd that's the last thing u see before u ACTUALLY blackout but then!! you are home surrounded by family but u r not who u once were bc now ur hair is that of the ocean and u have eyes that of the sunset and when they found u, u were clutching a card in ur hand....

my face when u attribute ur 2nd chance at life 2 the dead god but he didn't actually revive u or anything he just brought ur body back 2 shore but u don't know that and nobody else knows that u r just worshipping him now tho like thanks