Siren are very common in Alluvien; there are as many Siren in the waters as there are human on land!

Though they live in the sea locations, they very often appear in rivers and lakes as well.

info copy and pasted from discord!

siren r fae like so they arent Exactly like humans on landdddddd and arent Exactly mortal like humans r ... u can think of them literally like fae; when defeated they turn into water, their age growth speed+appearance depends on mental maturity i think(Meaning some can remain younger for awhile longer than others But no reverse / complete pause) andddd i dont think their like parenting/raising young works the same way as humans either. more like sea creatures.... like they might follow around their parent for awhile (like whales) to learn basic skills but there is no like , school systemLOL or stuff like that. like no housing communities n stuff. theyre more like how people depict nymphs in forests <--overexplaining becayse i dont know how to word it

(They can speak though right or is agwe just special like that)?

they can speak :3 thinknof it more like a skill they learn to get what they want rather than a necessity though. siren(based in folklore) like jewerly for example so if they can understand human speech they can better take that shit ...........…

(Do they have a siren language ? Like speech or like clicks like dolphins oe body language unofficial communication)

unofficial communication However Ermm probably some siren language used rarely That was developed on its own after human speech like another skill for convenience rather than necessity. + they obviously understand the diff calls of sea animals and can mimic those for convenience too

(Relations with humans and gods?)

ermmm for now ill say that its like; they can/do follow gods (reken was the main one)(they can follow others) um they are still like more naturally more mythological than humans.

like it goes animals+humans → siren+other faelike → lwa/gods(range of strength varies)(from lwa bug to oton(who was a lwa skeleton fish) to reken(huge ass shark god) → erzulie(who was a lwa and now , the god god)

so like they are kinda closer but its more that siren are just not mortal like normal humans or animals

(Any drama between the different races,,, especially sirens and human Or would they be on good terms)?