[[Otòn]]'s past best friend, who killed him, after [[Adòmi]] is killed.

Name: Sol (“sun" in Spanish, but also short for "solstice") Alu (impulse short for [[Alluvien]]) Prns: he/they Age: 2051 yrs Stuff: pyro, sword +Stuff: card was left w Otòn, making sol lose his magic and memories. Status: on [[Irie and friends]] fav food: soup w/ extra meat + dumplings fear: dogs MBTI: ENTJ

Acts as [[Irie]]'s older brother.


Before losing his magic completely, Sol had the ability to regenerate and heal living things by burning away the old/damaged and having it replaced fresh and new.

He got one of the [[Cards]] of his own when he was born, and it allowed him to even bring living things back to life. Despite never being willing to use this ability, as return of the dead is very taboo in Alluvien, it was generally accepted Sol would be considered the strongest of all the [[Gods]], as he could eternally regenerate himself and his own heart even after death.

Unfortunately, in a moment of weakness, Sol had given his Card to [[Otòn]] after killing him, and taking Otòn's own Card.

Early life

Sol grew up being quite literally "raised by the village." He was born from prayers to have a more direct connection with lwa. With a very valued and useful ability, as well as being one of the lesser [[Gods]], Sol was always treated very nicely. He did not age at the same rate as the ones raising him, but this detachment wasn't regarded poorly; he learned new things from very generation, and found deeper bonds in other gods rather than mortals. Sol would get away with most antics, as they were never harmful. Sol spent most of his time in aid of mortals so any fun he wanted to have was encouraged, or overlooked at worst. This made Sol very confident and carefree, traits Otòn heavily admired, and caused them to grow awfully close. Adòmi claimed Sol was just spoiled, however.