
One of the lesser [[Gods]] who died indirectly at the hands of [[Otòn]].

Known as the God of Spring.

Name: Adòmi ("Ale dòmi" is "go (to) sleep" in creole, usually shortened to sound like "A dòmi") Prns: he/they Age: (would be) 2066 yrs Stuff: dendro, spear Status: DIED !!!!!!! fav food: plantains in any form fear: being harmed by a mistaken hunter MBTI: INTP


Adòmi's magic was centered around the environment around them; Adòmi could change the weather, wind, light, general health.. etc.

They usually kept their mountain in good health, staying there. Growing up, they practiced self control and even moods, as their mood would drastically affect everything around them. (Though, this was stabilized a bit by gaining one of the [[Cards]] of their own, despite the card's meaning.)(Their card is reversed?)

Adòmi was born during prayers to heal a cursed mountain. The area was impossible to travel through; insane winds and thunder yet also drought, drawing animals away and into towns, making clean water sparce. When Adòmi felt love for the world still, for the first time, the area had gained one of their [[Blessings]]; becoming healed and healthy.

When Adòmi died, in fear of the area returning to it's past state without them there, he destroyed his own heart last second. This creates an eternal spring on the mountain; a very taboo (due to a stop in the cycle) but irreversible decision.

Adòmi also created a reoccurring hurricane that returns to Alluvien each year, during the era of erzulie cursed. This hurricane is said to wash away the stench of the undead.
